This season features the Alliance challenge, new foil cards, and new avatars. Each week, we will update this post with another foil card preview. This season ends on Monday, November 1st at 8AM UTC.

ScopeGoalRewardReward TypeReward SetChallenge / Scenario Name
ChallengeWin 15+ Trophy StarsAlliance ProcurementFoilCommand DecksAlliance
ChallengeWin 30+ Trophy StarsAlliance ProcurementAvatarCommand Decks
SeasonWin one trophy starMeganautFoilCommand Decks
SeasonWin second trophy starMeganautAvatarCommand Decks
Week 1Win third trophy starAssault ShardFoilCommand DecksPeace Accords
Week 2Win third trophy starCargo BoatFoilCommand DecksBorder Skirmish
Week 3Win third trophy starCluster ScoutFoilCommand DecksEmergency Repairs
Week 4Win third trophy starSalvage DroneFoilCommand DecksRapid Construction